We create the ultimate solution for you
Innovative payment systems
Our payment terminals offer the possibilities to have a solution in any situation to pay with debet-, creditcards and mobile devices like Smartphones.
This generates solutions for shops, retailers, e-commerce and many other applications.
Additional are all our devices well protected and supported by stable and innovative information systems
We work with multiple protocols, multiple acquirers and intelligent decision software that works with smart algorithms to make the most interesting choices “here and now”.
In the first place we emphasise our service. We select together with you the right choice and support your choice afterwards, whatever happens.
Secondly, it is important that you have access to a wide range of payment terminals. Our catalogue terminals will grow because PayNation isn’t bound to brands or models but will only select what’s the best in the market at that time and what’s needed by the merchants.
Third we have a transparant contracting. This means that we engage a mutual and clear agreement and that you can count on us.
The PayNation contracts are clear and short.
We find this important because, after all, you want to have a payment device.
We greatly appreciate that you ask us all possible questions before contracting with us.
We love clear and full transparency in our cooperation.
After completion of your administration and approval by your acquirer, we take care that you are operational within 24 hours!
From technical point of view are our terminals prepared to accept all possible payment cards. Possibly you need for each card type an approval by your acquirer/bank.
PayNation guides you through this process. If you need later to add an additional card type we will organise the necessary steps for you so you can concentrate on your business.